El Centro de Pastoral Afrocolombiana, CEPAC, convoca, anima y coordina las distintas iniciativas de trabajo pastoral que se realizan con el pueblo afrocolombiano



sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Caribbean Virgin, Iemanja and more

Alejandra Baiz, Puertorrican artist, created a beautiful image of Caribbean Mary in response to the European black virgins, all of them with Caucasian features and with little in common with African ancestors.

This painting joins those from Jesús Mafa, a web site that shows the inculturated Gospel in all its richness, since the viewpoint of Mafa people in northern Cameroon.

The mafa inhabit the northern mountains and are at serious risk of disappearance, for centuries lived in isolation and today they don't like tourists very much. In Colombia, Afro people know one of the African paintings, the  African Virgin (N° 61, below), to the point of making it theirs.  But most of them don't know its origin and becomes even more valuable to recognize and appreciate the contributions of brothers and sisters in Cameroon.

Black virgins are also common in Latin America, but, as the European do, seem to be more responsive to the need to avoid the aesthetic deterioriation due to the proximity of candles, than to recognize her many Afro-descendant devotees.  Few people hasn't heard about the Aparecida documento, but ¿How many know that the Virgin Aparecida (appeared) is black?

African Americans in the whole continent can now know African cults and their many American variants more freely than before; it is evident the similarity between these images and Africa deities such Yemaya:

Hopefully one day we may know the image of Mary that drew, from their own identity, the people of the Patia Valley, in the department of Cauca, and many others that are hidden in the most unexpected corners of the country.

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